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ADS-B Air Traffic Surveillance

Airspace Surveillance

L3Harris engineers and builds complex air domain surveillance infrastructure to deliver reliable and secure surveillance information as a managed service to air navigation service providers, government agencies and the transportation and logistics industry.

L3Harris adapts surveillance technologies to meet today’s ever-changing airspace environment to identify, track, monitor and deliver the most comprehensive airspace domain awareness for air traffic management and safe aircraft separation as well as airspace monitoring for national security, border protection and critical infrastructure protection.

Capabilities Brochure

  • Air Surveillance Capabilities Brochure

    Airspace Surveillance Capabilities Brochure

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

L3Harris supports the FAA's development and implementation of a modernized air traffic system with engineering expertise and full-system solutions. One of our core programs is the ADS-B system, the cornerstone program of the FAA’s Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) initiative, which modernizes the ground-based surveillance system of air traffic control. As the prime contractor on ADS-B, we are designing, building and operating a nationwide system of radio communications, telecommunications networks, information technology and software to deliver highly accurate, networked, real-time surveillance data to the automated systems of the FAA.                                                 

Specializing in both data language and the hardware used to convey the messages, Space-Based ADS-B is a major development in the global satellite-based tracking of aircraft and devices. L3Harris is providing 81 satellite-based ADS-B receivers, tools used to help track aircraft from the Iridium NEXT satellite constellation. The receivers will enable precise aircraft tracking globally, including monitoring of flights over oceans and remote regions. 

Program Profile

  • SBSS Program Profile

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